Brand, Domain and Reputation Protection

As cybercriminals seek to exploit human weaknesses, impersonation and spoofing attacks are increasing at a faster rate than standard malware attacks. Domain spoofing, where an attacker forges an email to appear as though it’s from a trusted source, is a common tactic used in business email compromise phishing campaigns.

Organisations benefit from an additional level of protection that guards against attacks like impersonation fraud, where attackers use a legitimate domain to send fraudulent and malicious messages. Safeguarding against advanced ‘malware-less attacks’ is increasingly problematic and DMARC Analyzer and Brand Exploit protect from Mimecast provide an additional component in our multi-layered protection service.

Our Services: 

DMARC Analyzer (Mimecast)

DMARC Analyzer protects against the advanced threats of email data breaches, by enabling domain owners to manage their authentication practices and specify the actions to be taken when an email fails authentication. The enforcement policy authenticates legitimate in-bound emails and quarantines or rejects mail from all unauthenticated sources. Email sent from a trusted source on your behalf that is incorrectly certified will be identified - enabling to you take corrective action. It also stops unauthorised use of your email domain identity, with the dynamic reporting of malicious activity for immediate remediation.

Brand Exploit Protect (Mimecast)

Mimecast Brand Exploit Protect extends phishing protection beyond your perimeter to proactively uncover and takedown attacks at the earliest stages. The service combines web scanning powered by machine learning, the analysis of key indicators including new domain registrations and security certificate issuance, and tracking of website cloning to stop cybercriminals in their tracks. The ability to identify new threat patterns means that you are able to quickly block compromised assets before they become live attacks.

Contact us to find out how we can help you
and your business today

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