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Ron Short Centre and SCF

Sure Community Foundation nominated for Guernsey Community Foundation Award

The Sure Community Foundation has once again been nominated for the Corporate Social Responsibility Award at the Guernsey Community Foundation Awards.

IOM Gov logo

Sure to provide WAN connection for Isle of Man Government

Sure has been awarded a second significant contract from the Isle of Man Government, following a competitive tender process, for Managed Wide Area Network (WAN). The contract win follows Sure recently being appointed as sole provider for government internet services.

Security blue print linkedin image

Your Cybersecurity Protection Blueprint

With cyber security breaches at epidemic proportions and governments across the globe actively encouraging greater awareness and action, we’ve taken a look at the ‘Essential 9’ focus areas that form a blueprint for Security Risk Management.

Human firewall Linkedin Image

The Emergence of the Human Firewall

When the causes of cybercrime incidents are investigated, the same underlying reason crops up time and time again … Human Error.

Security 4 List Portrait

Sure to make major investment in Guernsey Fibre Broadband for all

Sure is rolling out a state-of-the-art fibre to the premises (FTTP) broadband network, which will directly reach every property in Guernsey with a faster, more reliable connection and offer the possibility of 1 gigabit-per-second coverage for all.

Security 1 List Portrait

Devastating Consequences of a Security Breach

Our Cloud, Security, and data expert Malcolm Mason highlights the devastating consequences of a security breach and the importance to every business to understand the risks.

9 top cyber attacks

The 9 Top Cyber Attack Techniques & Vulnerabilities

Understanding the main attack methods and areas of vulnerability help organisations to improve levels of protection and business continuity, find out more...