How is AI being leveraged for cybersecurity?

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Over 90% of cyber security breaches are attributed to human error in one form or another, and even the most ‘tech-smart’ people admit to being taken in by a scam at some point.

The average cost of an enterprise cyber breach in the UK & CIs today is estimated to be £24,000 - without counting the hidden damage to reputation. And alarmingly, over 85% of UK companies have suffered an attack in the last year, with successful hacks now occurring every 19 seconds.

Introducing Automated Intelligent Protection

Automated intelligence solutions dynamically identify and mitigate risky employee behaviours and mistakes before they turn into real incidents. They do this by continuously monitoring the workforce’s interaction with corporate applications and systems. To aid learning and development, every employee is given a live cyber risk score based on their digital behaviour, with timely and personalised security coaching delivered as and when a risky behaviour or action takes place.

It's important to stress that this is definitely NOT a Big Brother watching scenario. The solution has direct benefits for businesses and employees, and core elements include:

Workforce Security Behaviour Monitoring

Monitor and measure over 35 types of employee security behaviour with easy integration to leading business apps and tools like Microsoft Office 365, Teams, Google, Slack, and others. There’s no need to ask employees if they have strong passwords anymore, the system knows! And easy dashboards enable the tracking of activity and specific security behaviour, all with real-time visibility as it happens.

Automated Phishing Simulations

Run intelligent simulated phishing programmes with immediate, remedial auto pilot coaching follow up. Scenarios are based on individual employee job roles and previous susceptibility to phishing, and are continually updated to reflect real world threats. Timescales and send frequencies are adjustable and automatically optimised to achieve maximum behavioural change.

Risk Score Employees & Teams

Behavioural data creates individual employee risk scores, supporting automated security risk awareness and personalised education. Understand and support your riskiest employees and teams based on their security behaviours and risk profiles. Above the line employee visibility of risk scores and leader boards create healthy competition, enhancing security and driving secure behaviour.

Security Awareness Coaching

Deliver engaging security awareness training to employees automatically through instant nudges and micro learning when risky behaviour occurs. Personalised security advice is given to employees based on their own risk profile, and a scorecard points programme can be introduced to incentivise and reward best practice.

Tangible Results

Results from companies using automated human risk protection show high levels of employee engagement, and significant improvements in digital behaviour and decision making in over 75% of employees. Furthermore, internal IT and security teams spend 25% less time dealing with security and configuration issues.  

We can optimise your Cybersecurity strategy. 

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