6 ways to safeguard your data

by Gary Shilling, Account Director

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Data is the lifeblood of business, the need to store it securely has become a fundamental part of organisations’ strategies. A common method is Cloud storage; scalable, cost-effective and efficient, Cloud is a sensible solution for businesses of all sizes.

But with the rise of Cloud comes the need for most robust Cloud computing security.

Sure Business Account Director Gary Shilling explores the importance of safeguarding your critical data against cyber threats, and if you already employ a Cloud security system, what key measures you should be taking.

A loss of data could prove catastrophic for many reasons, not least financial loss, damage to brand reputation and legal consequences. So how can you safeguard your most precious assets?

Data encryption

A strong encryption algorithm provides the first wall of protection around your data that could serve as a repellent for any unauthorised access. Ensuring end-to-end security here is key, so make sure that the encryption is performed by both you and the Cloud provider.


Using a multi-factor authentication (MFA) is another hurdle potential hackers will have to overcome before they reach your data. The access privileges to this information should be reviewed and carefully audited regularly.

Regular testing

Knowing your weaknesses before your intruder can take advantage of them is the best form of defence when dealing with cyber criminals. Conducting regular penetration tests to identify vulnerabilities and potential entry points helps give you the upper hand and can block the attack before it happens.

Disaster recovery

This one seems obvious, but we still see organisations with inadequate backup and recovery strategies. Ensuring your data is backed up and ready for any unexpected pitfalls that may occur - from system failures, natural disasters or breaches - means if the unthinkable happens, the fall out is minimal.

Employee training

We all make mistakes at times; this is apparent as we know that human error remains a leading cause of security breaches. Providing education and training for employees is crucial in helping them to understand and implement data-saving measures such as password hygiene, how to properly use Cloud resources and what is best practice.

Continuous monitoring

Keeping track of real-time analytics via a robust monitoring system allows you to identify any problems and eliminate them fast. That way, your business stays one step ahead of any emerging threats and vulnerabilities before they happen.

The benefits of adopting cloud computing are undeniable, however organisations must prioritise the implementation of a robust security system to go with it. With Sure Business, your data is in safe hands; our experts can guide you through what solutions are best to accelerate and protect the ongoing success of your business. Our range of cloud solutions enable you to operate and protect your business in the way that suits you, balancing your in-house resources with our support and managed services.

Contact us to find out how we can help you
and your business today

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