The Importance of Microsoft Teams Back-up

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Sensitive data, intellectual property, and information are now consumed, shared, and stored in Microsoft Teams.  


Teams is now established as the leading Enterprise collaboration application, and the simplicity with which it operates in the Microsoft 365 environment may lead you to think that its back-up is all taken care of, but that isn’t quite the case.

Teams is so much more than a video conferencing application - it’s a fully immersive environment with everything from chat messages and history, file attachments, images, recordings, voicemail messages and contact information, and like any other data-rich application, it is important to back it up on a regular basis for a number of reasons.

Backups protect against the loss of data and sensitive information, and as the use of Teams now extends to working groups and hubs, it’s a far more important business tool than a simple chat and call app. Groups, chat rooms, and channels hold project briefings, information, records and conversation threads from the very start of the project, enabling employees to have easy access and reference to all material, as well as on-going notifications about updates and changes to shared documentation. 

Understanding where Microsoft actually stores Teams data is significant, as the data is stored in several locations across the Microsoft 365 cloud, with chat data, conversation history and calendar information stored in Exchange. Chat and channel files are stored elsewhere, which means the only way to back up all of your Teams data is to back up everything, all of the time.

There are numerous Office 365 backup products on the market, and most only cover Exchange, SharePoint and OneDrive - leaving other Microsoft 365 applications including Teams unsupported. A Team back-up may be possible, but they have difficulty fully restoring it, and many services fail to provide all previous information.

In contrast to this are Sure’s back-up, restore, archiving, and Recovery-as-a-Service (RaaS) options, and our comprehensive Microsoft practice, includes a full Teams back-up and archiving service that enables organisations to protect all Teams data with wider cloud applications, and all other systems and applications as required.

Our resilient archiving, back-up, and recovery services operate from Sure’s own highly secure ‘tier III’ data centres in Guernsey and Jersey, and with regulatory and compliance requirements becoming ever more stringent, at the same time Teams usage and hybrid working is exploding, the need to safeguard applications, systems, and data is essential.

Greater protection, ease of use, enhanced visibility, and data loss risk mitigation is provided through a single, easy to use portal that monitors and controls Teams and all other enterprise cloud applications, ensuring resilience, peace of mind, employee productivity, disaster recovery, and business continuity assurance.

With Sure Business Teams back-up and archiving, you are able to:

  • Rapidly regain control of collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams.
  • Respond to governance events effectively and quickly.
  • Protect communications, data, and intellectual property.
  • Built-in resilience to ensure on-going employee productivity.
  • Ensure compliance and regulatory requirements are covered.

Contact us to find out how we can help you
and your business today

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